Installing A Calibration Procedure Download This download is provided as a self-extracting winzip archive. After retrieving it onto your computer's hard disk, start the extraction process by double clicking on the filename from your Windows File Manager or Windows Explorer. All component files will be unpacked and made available for installation in your MET/CAL station. This archive contains a MET/CAL or 5500/CAL calibration procedure and all necessary auxiliary files required for it to run. This includes at least one calibration procedure file. Additionally, subprocedures, bitmaps, accuracy and DOS executable files may be provided as required. Procedure and sub-procedure files are supplied in text form and are not pre-compiled. Therefore, each procedure/subprocedure must be loaded into the PROCEDURE EDITOR where they can be compiled and then saved as executable procedures. Consult the Procedure Editor section of your MET/CAL User's Manual if you are not familiar with this process. Auxiliary files (not procedures or subprocedures) can be of 3 different types. Move all auxiliary files to the proper folders for your system. If you are unsure where these files are stored on your system, you can view the MET/CAL.ini file with a text editor for the following parameters: [startup] picdir = c:\metcal\pic accdir = c:\metcal\acc The auxiliary file types are: 1 EXECUTABLES: Executable files (and batch files) can be called from a calibration procedure using the DOS or DOSE FSC's. They are identified by their file name extensions and consist of filenames ending with .exe, .bat. Normally, on single user systems, executable files are stored in the directory where the MET/CAL executables reside, c:\metcal. 2 PICTURES: Picture files are standard Windows bitmaps and can be identified by filename extensions ending with .bmp. Normally, on single user systems, pictures are stored in c:\metcal\pic 3 ACCURACY: Accuracy files are not required to conform to a filename format. By Fluke convention, these files usually end in the accuracy calibration interval for the associated calibrator. For example xxxxxxxx.1yr for 1 year, xxxxxxxx.6mo for 6 months and xxxxxxxx.90d for 90 days. Normally, on single user systems, accuracy files are stored in c:\metcal\acc. Note: All auxiliary file locations may be different for your installation, particularly if your system is installed on a network and shared by multiple workstations. If you are using MET/CAL or 5500/CAL 5.1 or later, see discussion below. New Initialization File Parameters for DOS and DOSE FSCs IN MET/CAL 5.1 On networked systems conflicts can arise related to accessing the DOS/DOSE data file ("dosdose.dat"). On some systems the DOS/DOSE data file is created in the directory where the MET/CAL executables reside. If this directory is on a shared file system, two or more workstations running the MET/CAL Run Time or Editor at the same time may cause the DOS/DOSE data file to be created and/or accessed in the same directory at the same time, yielding unpredictable and incorrect results. In some cases this problem is solved by specifying a "Start In" directory on the local workstation in the properties for the application (Run Time or Editor). This solution, however, has the undesirable side-effect of forcing the report files ("*.rpt") and the validation files ("*.val") to also be in the "Start In" directory. To address this problem, three new, optional, initialization file parameters have been added: user_cwd This parameter specifies the working directory for user programs. That is, it becomes the current directory for an executing user program. Unless otherwise specified, it also becomes the directory where MET/CAL looks for user programs (unless a full path or partial path specification is given in the procedure), and becomes the directory where the DOS/DOSE data file is created and accessed. user_data_dir This parameter specifies the location of the DOS/DOSE data file. If specified, it takes precedence over any "user_cwd" specification. user_prog_dir This parameter specifies the directory where user programs reside. If specified, it takes precedence over any "user_cwd" specification. A "user_prog_dir" specification has no effect on a DOS or DOSE procedure statement which gives a full path specification for the user program. For example, DOS c:\metcal\myprog.exe This DOS statement executes the "myprog.exe" in "c:\metcal" regardless of what "user_prog_dir" specifies in the initialization file. If the DOS or DOSE statement provides a partial path specification, the partial path specification is relative to the "user_prog_dir" specification (if any). For example, If the initialization file specifies: user_prog_dir = c:\metcal and a DOS statement in a procedure specifies: DOS exe\myprog.exe then MET/CAL executes the program "c:\metcal\exe\myprog". Typical upgrade users running networked systems who experience the problem described above should edit "metcal.ini" on each workstation and set: user_cwd = c:\metcal\station user_data_dir = c:\metcal\station user_prog_dir =